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Small Business Saturday

It’s Black Friday, and if you’re not working, chances are you’re out fighting the cold and the masses trying to find the best possible deals for all of your holiday shopping.  Black Friday carries a negative stigma, and it certainly has a tendency to bring out the worst in a lot of people turning a trip to Target into a scene from the Hunger Games.  But countless businesses truly rely on this shopping-frenzied weekend to have a successful year.  So while the bigger retail chains steal most of the headlines on Black Friday, there’s been a recent movement not to forget the smaller retailers whose livelihood depends on the holiday season to turn a profit.

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Small Business Saturday is a movement that began in 2010 highlighting the importance of shopping and spending locally.  Check out their website here for more details.  The movement extends beyond stressing the value of doing your Christmas shopping at a local retailer.  Don’t forget about the local restaurants, hair stylists/barbershops, and other service based businesses whose employees depend on tips to provide for their families.  Our agency believes this is an especially important movement because many of our clients are small businesses.  We interact with the owners and employees of small businesses on a daily basis.  We know how hard they work, and how much they value each sale they make, each customer that works through their door.  So invest in your community by celebrating Small Business Saturday and keep local businesses going strong, not just this weekend but all year long.
